Our mission

The Polar Initiative aims to use science diplomacy and global collaboration to develop evidence-informed strategies to protect Arctic and Antarctic ecosystems in the face of local and global changes. Targeting the Foundation’s influence and convening, it is structured in four pillars of actions:

  1. FOSTERING INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION AND MULTI-STAKEHOLDER DIALOGUE: to address the challenges presented by the changing polar regions. It aims to connect researchers, policymakers, Indigenous Peoples, and other stakeholders to drive joint research efforts and coordinated action. The Monaco Polar Symposium is held every two years (1st symposium in 2022, 2nd symposium in 2024). The next one will be held in February 2026, to bring together Arctic and Antarctic stakeholders to work on polar action priorities.
  2. EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION THROUGH SCIENCE DIPLOMACY:  the capacity-building efforts focus on developing the skills and knowledge of emerging polar researchers and knowledge holders, recognizing the roles that they play in science diplomacy. It supports fellowships and interdisciplinary training programs to equip the next generation to tackle future polar challenges.
  3. SUPPORTING THE MANAGEMENT OF A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT: The Polar Initiative seeks to align scientific research with policy-making processes, to inform management and protection of evolving Arctic and Antarctic ecosystems. It supports targeted projects that strengthen evidence-informed decision-making and develop solutions for mitigation, adaptation, and resilient management strategies.
  4. DIPLOMATIC ENGAGEMENT: The Polar Initiative uses science diplomacy to foster global cooperation, engaging leaders, governments, and key institutions to reach informed decisions about the future of the changing polar regions.

Active coordination and synergies will be sought across the 4 axes, privileging principles of partnerships, recognizing interconnected challenges and the need for multidisciplinary approaches, valuing contributions of indigenous and local communities, seeking networking across the projects and activities, and leveraging co-financing. Linkages with other PA2F initiatives will be sought.