Our mission

The initiative is initially built as a 4-year programmatic effort 2022-2025 and targets areas of traditional interest to the Foundation and in line with its potential for influence and convening: science, policy, capacity building and conservation action. It proposes 4 axes of work, namely:

  1. Science-based evidence and knowledge: With legitimate co-conveners, PA2F will organize a symposium in year 1 and 3, convening leading scientists. The first one was held on 24-25 February 2022 questioning how the changes in the two poles influence global systems.
  2. Campaigns to weigh in on particular impactful policy changes and management actions
  3. Capacity building through fellowships via SCAR and IASC
  4. Delivery of conservation actions through PA2F regular calls for projects.

Active coordination and synergies will be sought across the 4 axes, privileging principles of partnerships, recognizing interconnected challenges and the need for multidisciplinary approaches, valuing contributions of indigenous and local communities, seeking networking across the projects and activities, and leveraging co-financing. Linkages with other PA2F initiatives will be sought.